This is not now, nor has it ever been even remotely funny. It's not even funny in a painfully self-aware, post-post-post ironic meta sort of way. It's just uninspired and embarrassing. I know white people have a history of hijacking black fashion styles, music, manner of speech, motherland, etc., but the giant afro wig is just inexcusable.
Even though I don't advocate this kind of dumbass-ness (it's a word, look it up), I think I would prefer white folks going the "black face route" and dressing up as their "favorite rapper", ala a campus Halloween party at some college in Texas/North Carolina/Boston. At least this is "pushing the envelope" some and is funny in a "My God, I can't believe how outrageous/utterly offensive this is" kind of way.
When The Whites put their minds to it, they can be quiet hilarious, all I ask is that they try harder and don't take the easy way out by purchasing a giant afro wig at the local costume shop/Wal-Mart Super Store or wherever the hell those things are bought. Don't sell yourself short, you're "better than that".