Let's be honest, the term "post-racial America" has been adopted by conservatives who want to spin Obama's being elected into an irreproachable excuse to remain as racist and bigoted as they've always been, if not more so.
I'm no "conspiracy nut" or anything, but I sometimes get the feeling Obama was only elected into office as a kind of courtesy service for blacks and all other minorities, and a way for "guilty" white liberals to cover their asses. It's kind of like the equivalent of having a token black/brown/yellow friend to prove you're not racist...or owning the movie "Crash" in your DVD collection.
After Obama's four years of being the HNIC (Head Nigga in Charge) are up it will be back to business again. Some old white man will take his rightful place as POTUS and America can forever pat itself on the back and say "See, we're not so bad, we let a black guy try and lead for four whole years! That was fun, but now let's get serious again." Of course I could be totally off base here, and I hope I am. I would love to believe America is legitimately "changing" for the better, but the pessimist in me just won't allow it.
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