I didn't actually watch the show because I'm above watching that sort of thing (but not above blogging about it, amirite?!?) but I can pretty much piece together what went down from the Internet buzz. Apparently Taylor Swift got all "Lith Fair" and decided to sing a serious song about last year's incident with Kanye West. Instead of treating it as the joke it is, she got serious and came up with some song that made it seem like Kanye ran up on stage and raped her. Whereas last year Taylor got a lot of sympathy from stupid people and pre-teens, this year the majority of folks were just like "Bitch, are you serious with this shit? C'mon, son." That should have been the reaction to the whole thing last year, but like I said, people generally tend to be idiots.
Some chick named Chelsea Handler "hosted" the show and I'm not sure if she bombed or not. I read some things online from people who thought she was a bit out of line with some of her racial humor and I guess Sarah Silverman turned down MTV to host because isn't that her shtick? Saying really racist shit but with that "Haha, I'm just kidding, it's satire" defense? If the consensus is that Chelsea Handler bombed, I guess some people could just point to that and say "See, I told you women aren't funny!". But that's unfair because it is MTV and MTV is lame as fuck, and that lameness rubs off on everyone who comes into contact with MTV, especially the people who agree to host its award shows. Funny or not, she's hot and I'd totally hit that, which at the end of the day is all that matters.
The biggest moment of the show however was Lady Gaga. Not the fact that she won every single award, but that she wore a dress made out of meat. At first I was like, whatever, it's Lady Gaga she's an "artists" and is like, s0 random. The next day however, I read that her dress was suppose to "mean something", I'm not going to find the article with actual quotes, but I'll paraphrase. Basically she said the meat dress represented "human rights" and if we don't speak up for our rights, we're no more than the meat that hangs from our bones. And I was just like, yeah, whatever the fuck THAT means Gaga. She also mentioned something about gay soldiers and how the dress was for them too, blah blah blah. Listen Gaga, if you want to throw on a meat dress because you're a wacky bitch who loves attention then cool, just say that. But don't insult my intelligence and pull some lame, head-scratching rationale about how the dress symbolizes something out of your ass and expect me to take it at face value. That's not cool and it's not O.K.
All and all another mediocre clusterfuck being passed off as entertainment by MTV which only reinforces the fact Lady Gaga is an annoying attention whore who's BFFs with Perez Hilton. WHATEVER.
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