Animal rights champions PETA had this to say about the incident:
"To bludgeon a 4-ounce animal to death, it takes either a small man or a totally unthinking one—with no respect or consideration for lives humbler than his own. This is a time when athletes in particular need to be on their best behavior around any animal and show that they have brains and a heart, not just reactionary brawn.
Bats always try to avoid contact with humans, and there are plenty of easy ways to keep bats out of a basketball arena (or your home). We hope that the next time someone's life is on the line, Manu Ginobili will take just a few seconds to think before he acts."
As always PETA is right on the money. Unfortunately Manu Ginobili, like many people, feel humans possess some arbitrary superiority over animals simply because we're capable of wearing pants and have souls. Animals are just as important, if not more so, as human beings. Animals are "people too" in a sense and I for one am grateful for organizations like PETA who fight tirelessly for their rights, even at the expense of appearing irrational and plain fucking stupid
I honestly get sick to my stomach whenever I watch the video of the blood-thirsty Ginobili as he gleefully murders one of God's beautiful creations. What's even more sickening and perverse is the response of the crowd and announcers as they applaud this madman for snuffing out the life of an animal who only wanted to find his way home. If there was any justice in this world, Ginobili and anyone who lauded him for his atrocious display of brutality would be dragged out into the middle of the street and shot at point blank range with a Colt Python .357 Magnum revolver, then have their lifeless bodies thrown into a den of rabid coyotes, wilder beasts, lions, tigers, bears, the hyenas from The Lion King and antelope, where they would be devoured and shat out upon the scorched Earth.
Of course this would never happen because our society is so ass backwards and it's OK for humans to kill animals, but just let a misunderstood pit bull attack a baby, scarring it for life emotionally and physically and before you know it, people will be up in arms, demanding the dog be put down. What a disgusting double standard. Sometimes I wish I wasn't born a person. Sometimes I wish I was an eagle, or a sloth and could live my life as a noble, God fearing animal and not a stupid, car-driving, bat-killing human. All I can do is just hope and pray that one day, sooner than later, animals will finally be looked upon as equals to humans and not second class citizens. "We shall overcome."
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